Everyone deserves a safe workplace

Every April, we join millions around the world on Workers Memorial Day in remembering workers who were killed on the job last year. These individuals were your neighbors, friends, family members and co-workers — ordinary people who deserved to return home after a hard day's work, but who died because not enough was done to protect them on the job.

The cause of this widespread problem is many-fold. Too many employers cut corners on safety to maximize their bottom lines. Employees are sometimes forced to return to work when they are sick or hurt, making them vulnerable to further injury.

Working together, we can end the loss of life and limb, and make the commonwealth a safe, healthy and fair place for all to live and make a living.

This April 28, join the crusade to achieve safe and healthy jobs.

Source: Kimberly Wilson Board chairwoman of the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health


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