
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2013

Bosquejo sobre Cuidado de Emergencias Médicas para Especialistas en Seguridad y Salud

Naturaleza de las emergencias ·        Muertes accidentales ·        Lesiones y enfermedades incapacitantes Consideradas como negligencia de la sociedad moderna. Normas de referencias Departamento de Transportación (DOT) ·        Highway Safety Act (1966) Departamento de Salud y Recursos Humanos (DHHS) ·        Emergency Medical Act (1973) Estándar Nacional de Preparación para el manejo de emergencias ·        Desarrollado por el DT en 1970 revisado en el 1994 ü   Propósito ·        Estandarizar los programas de adiestramiento ·        Estandarizar los niveles de certificación de personal ajeno a la salud ·        Estandarizar el manejo de los trabajadores afectados Componentes de un sistema de emergencia ·        Consejo asesor ·        Dirección médica ·        Proceso usado por la comunidad médica para garantizar calidad en el tratamiento médico pre-hospitalario v En línea v Fuera de línea -         Protocolos -

OSHA Region 2 Falls in Construction Campaign - STAND DOWN (06/14/13) - 2

OSHA is inviting you and/or your membership to participate in our region-wide Summer 2013 “Falls in Construction” Stand-Down event that is being held from June 24, 2013 to July 3, 2013. FALLS ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN CONSTRUCTION. In 2010, there were 264 fall fatalities (255 falls to lower level) out of 774 total fatalities in construction. These deaths are preventable . While participation in the Stand-Down is entirely voluntary, I hope that you will be able to take advantage of this unique opportunity. By helping to reach workers and employers and raise awareness about the hazards of falls from ladders, scaffolds and roofs - you will be part of a concerted effort throughout New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to reduce the number of deaths and injuries that result from falls.  Participation in the Stand-Down is very simple.  During the period of June 24th through July 3rd , a participating employer agrees to present a “toolbox talk” to em